Change company name

Life is always changing – we have repositioned ourselves for strategic reasons.

The Plastikpack GmbH, which is successfully operating on the market since 1962, has expanded the production of UN-certified dangerous goods canisters by the new series re-line – sustainable canisters made of rHDPE – and will change its business name to Wandel Packaging Group Blow Moulding GmbH.

The division Plastikpack GmbH plant Recyclen still produces plastic pallets and products made of 100% recycling raw materials and will remain independently within the corporate group Wandel Packaging Group GmbH & Co KG and will change its business name to Wandel Packaging Group Recyclen GmbH.

You can reach your contact persons under new e-mail addresses:

We look forward to starting together with you a new chapter in the history of our company group and to further innovations for a sustainable handling with plastic in the future.

With the installation of the new exterior logo, our name change is now officially complete.